So today while looking for images for the soon to be designed blog layout, I stumbled upon this awesome loon who really, REALLY loved cats.
I'm sure he would have been one of those people who lets their cats lick them on the lips or eat sardines out of their mouths.
Anyway, although I didn't type in "Anthropomorphic cats on speed" that's pretty much what I got, and the man responsible for these wonderfully frightening illustrations is Louis Wain .
Now I really like cats. But you know what I like more than cats? Cats dressed as people. Even better with fishing rods.
That one up there is playing GOLF!! That's just ridiculous, cat's don't play GOLF!! Louis. Stop.

I also love it when cats have people names. I had a friend when I was a small child who had a cat called Brendan, and I remember thinking even back then that it was hysterical. Louis had a cat called Peter! Bless!
Anyway, according to the interwebs Louis went crazy after contracting toxoplasmosis which you get from eating cat shit (ok not quite, but almost). Sounds pretty dubious to me. I bet that story was made up by all the haters wishing their own cats were as cool as the ones Louis drew.

For more information on Louis and Peter see here
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